Plants vs. Zombies Roleplay Wiki

The Logical and Physical Blaster, often abbreviated as Logic Gun, is an experimental gun prototype developped by King Cattail and Bender inside the Blimp's laboratory. It is in a very experimental state, and is subject to various issues, such as failing to fire a logical ball.

Logical and Physical Blaster

The Logical and Physical Blaster

Description and Abilities[]

As the name could imply, the Logic Gun applies real-life physics and logics to the target by firing a ball of energy. Since cartoon logic is widespread throughout the vast PvZ RP universe, it can be a very devastating weapon if fired correctly. However, the gun has a charge system, meaning it needs to recharge to fire again. A single charge can fire twice. The gun has a "reversing button", which simply applies cartoon logic to the target.

This gun has a maximal range of around one kilometer, because the shot dissipates beyond this point.

The effect is temporary, and the target will not stay logical for ever.

Also, it can only be used on Flusion, and around the Blimp. It also can't be used as a weapon in a tournament.

Known effects[]

This blaster, since it applies physics, has a wide range of effects on the various creatures roaming in the universe. Some of the effects are

  • Turning plants into regular potted plants
  • Turning zombies into corpses
  • Greatly destabilizing flying structures such as the S-OP4 base or the Blimp
  • Reducing the power of a weapon

Known counters[]

Thanksfully, this weapon can be countered using different tactics :

  • Protecting behind something, since the gun can only hit one target.
  • Running away, since the projectile fired is not instantaneous
  • Reflecting it with a mirror
  • Using another gun to fire an anti-logic blast at the logic blast, but only one gun exists
  • Obey to physics
  • Anything on the top 10 of strongest characters list of the PvZ RP Hall of Fame is immune to it
  • Creating a shield made of anything to stop the blast


  • Only one gun exists
  • The strongests characters, such as WinterMagnet of PuffyMuffins are immune to it, for logical and OPness reasons.
  • If a character (Such as Stalker) is fired with it multiple times, it becomes immune to the effects.