Plants vs. Zombies Roleplay Wiki

PvZ: Infection
PvZ: Infection

Shade Flower and her team discover an infection going around, and they must stop it by destroying what caused it... The team must be prepared for the coming storm.
1 Season - Released January 28th

PvZ: Infection is a brand new series created by Citron

To see spoilers about the series, see these pages: Shade Flower, Charm the Perfume-shroom, Violetage, and Bloomberry



MegaVile2004 and her team discover an infection going around, and they must stop it by destroying what caused it... The team must be prepared for the coming storm.

Important notes[]

  • It's original release date was January 5th but has been postponed to January 8th.
    • It might be postponed again.
      • It has been postponed once again and we are currently waiting for a new release.
  • All the episode names for season 1 and all the season names themselves have been posted



The Disabled Cam Of God Freddy[]

Season 1[]

  • Race pea
  • Lemine
  • Munno
  • Moon flora
  • Sun flora
  • Bamblue
  • Clockwork shoot

The Zombie O.O[]

Season 1[]


Season 1[]


Season 1[]


Season 1[]




Season 1: Infection Defection[]

Episode 1: So it begins...[]

Shade Flower is at the park when a mysterious new plant comes. He says his name is Charm and they start talking. As they are talking, Gold Leaf, Wikia-Critic and Violetage show up, and sometime later, Bloomberry. The team are talking when Bloomberry starts saying he wants to go on a adventure. The group agrees to go on this adventure and they prepare for it. Shade Flower is then wondering what it will be like and what kind of new things they will encounter. The team meets up at the park once again and they set out for their adventure.

Episode 2: Blooming Discovery[]

Episode 3: Infected Attacks[]

Episode 4: The Continuing Infected[]

Episode 5: Will you promise?[]

Episode 6: Just escaped[]

Episode 7: Don't Let It Get To You[]

Episode 8: Victory?[]

Episode 9: Never There[]

Episide 10: Final Fight?[]

Season 2: Here we go again[]

Season 3: Always Returning[]

Season 4: Do we stand a chance?[]

Season 5: The Final Chapter[]
